
COD: Ghosts Released

The newest edition to Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty line was released just last week and we’re excited to announce that our fans will be able to use their Premium Lag Switch in game.

Call of Duty: Ghosts has been one of the most anticipated releases of the year with tons of promotions running including the Monster energy drink special edition Call of Duty: Ghosts and a preorder offer that includes a dynamic multiplayer map called Free Fall that shifts and changes as the game progresses. You’ll also get access to Simon Riley, a character many of you will remember from Call of Duty, Modern Warfare: 2. COD: Ghosts is one of the rare games available for every major system, the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, the Wii U and PC.

This newest addition to the Call of Duty saga begins with the Russian Federation hijacking control of a space station armed with ODIN, a super weapon in space that can bombard the earth below with devastating results. Fortunately for our protagonist’s sake the American astronauts sacrifice themselves, using the stations self-destruct to destroy it.

Call of Duty: Ghosts expands on the tried and true format of past COD games but with notable improvements. The first thing you’ll notice is your canine companion Riley. Riley will come to your aid on the battlefield, helping you out in some particularly difficult situations.

The real magic of the game, as with the previous titles is the immersive multiplayer experience. Ghosts brings this to life more than ever with the ability to choose from 35 perks from Wiretap, allowing you to hack into enemy Sat Coms, to Deadeye which will increase the damage you cause as you rack up more and more consecutive kills. The new perk system adds a huge amount of variability to the game, assigning different values to each perk, allowing you to get a bunch of small advantages or a couple of heavy hitters. In fact you can even forego your secondary weapon for 3 additional perk points to work with. Additionally for the first time ever players will be able to play as a female character and modify their appearance to their liking.

The multiplayer maps have also changed quite a bit, with much larger maps than in previous COD games due to the focus on ranged weapons. This may be great for some players, but others will find themselves frustrated with the lack of enemies, or even allies nearby at times. You’ll find most of the same game modes you’ve grown used to, although a few of the old game modes, like “Demolition” and “Ground War” have been replaced with new modes like “Search and Rescue” and “Blitz”

Despite these changes and the fame of the franchise Ghosts has failed to meet expectations in terms of both reviews and sales. Reviews from gaming sites have been relatively good so far, with an 8.8 from IGN, and a 78 from Metacritic. The community ratings tell a different story though, with 4.9 from Gamespot users and a dismal 2.1 from Metacritic users, there are clearly some questions about the quality of this newest release.  That being said the game did ship over $1B work of copies in just the first day and is anticipated to continue to ship hundreds of millions of dollars of copies in the coming weeks and months.

You can pick up your copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts now for $59.99. Don’t forget to pick up a Premium Lag Switch for just $24.95 more and unleash your true multiplayer potential.